Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011 -- On Leech Lake

Kathleen and I woke to a beautiful morning at Leech Lake. The temperature was almost 50 degrees, on its way to a high of 70, the sky was bright, sunny, blue and clear, and the wind was a gentle 5-8 mph out of the ESE.

After enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee and some breakfast, we went outside for the day. Our first activity was a boat ride. The surface of Sucker Bay was nearly calm, not good for walleye fishing, but perfect for a relaxing boat ride. We headed south past Second Duck Point toward Duck Point and went as far as the old "Al Capone" house (yes, the gangster himself is rumored to have spent quite a bit of time on Leech Lake escaping the heat in Chicago). We then headed back home.

Once on shore, we decided to go for a bike ride. A couple of years ago Kathleen's mom gave us two old Schwinn bikes, a boys and a girls model. The elder Coyles bought the bikes in the late 1960s or early 70s, and were in need of a little maintenance. I took them to a bike shop in Bemidji and a couple of days late they were like new. It pays to buy quality. Here are two bikes that are more than 40 years old and they are in fantastic condition.

Kathleen and I rode those old Schwinns down W. Shores Rd., to 26th to Ottertail Point Rd. to Sucker Bay Rd. and then past the community center and back down W. Shores Rd. A total of 6 wonderful miles. The sky was incredibly blue today, and the pale yellow-green leaves of the just budding trees looked amazing against the azure sky.

After our bike ride Kathleen and I did several hours of yard work. It is great to be outside working together. We cleaned out all of the flower beds, trimmed back some plants, pulled weeds, planted some blueberry bushes, watered and other lawn/plant maintenance.

I also took a little time to put together the hammock and pull out the chaise lounge chairs, which are now situated on the lakeside lawn facing Sucker Bay. Maybe we'll watch the sunset outside today, since it's warm and there still no bugs (especially no mosquitoes).

With the sun having set, Kathleen and I enjoyed some quiet time talking and listening to classical music in our living room. It was a perfect ending to a great day.

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