Wednesday, August 03, 2011

August 3, 2011 -- On Leech Lake

I woke up this morning at 9:00 a.m. to a perfectly clear blue sky, a light breeze from the SW at 5 mph, a temperature of 76 degrees and humidity at 80%. A wonderful Leech Lake morning.

I walked over to the cabin and moved the fatheads from the aerated bucket by the garage to a minnow bucket I could put in the lake. With the fatheads recharging in lake water I started back to the garage when I encountered Tim Coyle coming out of the cabin. The rest of his family was still sleeping, as was Joe back at the house, so I suggested that the two of us go fishing.

We got the minnows into the boat, lowered the boat into the water and slowly motored out past Second Duck Point to a spot in 12 feet of water. I got the drift sock in the water just to keep the boat from turning in the breeze, Tim and I tipped our jigs with minnows and began fishing.

It wasn't too long before I caught a perch. Then Tim caught one. And soon we'd caught numerous perch including three jumbo perch which we kept and added to the live well.

After about 1 1/2 hours on the water we came ashore. Tim went to the cabin to get something to eat and see his family, while I went home, where I cooked Joe and I a hearty breakfast.

At 1:30 p.m., Joe, Jackson, Tim and I went out fishing for perch. Again I motored the boat out past Second Duck Point in 12 feet of water and deployed the drift sock. All four of us put a fathead minnow on a jig and began fishing. During the next 2 1/2 hours we made several drifts and caught numerous perch, but only three jumbos big enough to keep; bringing our total to six perch for the day.

When we got back on shore we found that Sandy had prepared a wonderful lasagna dinner, complete with fresh garden salad and garlic bread. It was very tasty.

Just before sunset, Jackson, Tim and I went out onto the water to do some trolling for walleye. While we were on the water, Joe was to clean the perch that we caught earlier in the day.

The water temperature was 80 degrees, the air temperature was around 70 degrees, the wind was out of the SSW at 8-10 mph and the sky was almost completely clear, with just a few wispy clouds on the western horizon. It was so clear, in fact, that after sunset when the sky was dark enough, we could easily see the Milky Way while on the water trolling.

Jackson used my trolling rod while I set up Tim with Joe's. Both were pulling #9 Rapala Minnow Raps -- Jackson had a perch colored lure while Tim's was purpledescent.

There is a lot of new weed growth in Sucker Bay, so to avoid getting hung up on the weeds, we trolled from Second Duck Point south toward Duck Point in 10-12 feet of water.

On our second pass through Duck Bay Jackson hooked into a very nice 22 1/2 walleye. We took a picture of it on his phone since it was the biggest walleye he'd ever caught. On the very next pass Jackson hooked an 18-inch walleye that was just a tad too big to keep since it clearly measured 18 inches which put it in the Leech Lake slot limit. So like the 22 1/2-inch walleye before, the 18-inch fish went back into the lake.

We came ashore at 10:30 p.m. and I checked with Joe to see if he'd cleaned the perch. Unfortunately he had an accident with my custom-made Leech Lake fillet knife, and had broken off the tip of the knife. Luckily Joe didn't cut himself, but it was unfortunate that the knife was damaged since it was not only a very nice knife, but a gift to me from Kathleen.

The knife wasn't damaged enough to where I couldn't use it, however, so I ended up cleaning five of the perch. I'm hoping we can add another few perch or a small, eater walleye to the mix so we can have a nice fish dinner tomorrow night.

After cleaning the fish, I cleaned myself --in the shower. Being on the water three different times throughout the day, as well as handled dozens of fish and bait fish, and cleaning the perch, required that I clean off. It felt great.

Joe and I then talked to Kathleen on the phone for a while, listened to some music and watched a DVD before heading off to bed. It was day spent mostly fishing on Leech Lake, which meant it was a great day.

Good night from Leech Lake.

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