Saturday, March 07, 2009

July 12, 2008

The thunderstorms from yesterday subsided sometime during the night, but the cold front that accompanied the storm lowered the temperatures dramatically. The high today was only 60 degrees; 20 degrees cooler than yesterday.

The wind also picked up. The lake was covered with white caps and high waves from the 25+ mph winds from the SW. It rained off and on throughout the day, so despite us all wanting to go fishing, we decided it was best to stay on land.

As we were down by the lake surveying the weather and water conditions, my brother-in-law Tim jumped off a large boulder by the shore and badly twisted his ankle. It immediately swelled up to the size of a baseball and Kathleen and Sandy took him into the Bemidji Hospital to have it checked; we wanted to make sure that there was no ligament damage.

Luckily, there was no serious damage to Tim's ankle, although he would be required to use crutches for the next several weeks. This is definitely how we thought their visit to the lake would go -- first the terrible weather and then Tim's sprained ankle. Yikes!

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