Saturday, June 06, 2009

May 23, 2009 -- At Leech Lake

It was much cooler today. The high was only 60 degrees and the low was near 40 degrees. The sky vacillated between cloudy and sunny all day long. At 12:15 p.m. I took the boat to Second Duck Point and drifted using a jig and Gulp minnows in smelt color.

The wind was out of the SSW at 8-12 mph so it pushed me from Second Duck Point past our house and toward Malay's in roughly 10-12 feet of water. The water temperature was 58 degrees.

I had several bites, probably small perch, but I didn't catch any fish so around 2:00 p.m. I went to shore. Nonetheless, it was nice to spend a couple of peaceful hours alone on Leech Lake.

When I got back to shore I got the cabin ready for my first visitors of the season, Kathleen's brother Mike, his wife Barb and my nephew Sean. They arrived around 5:00 p.m. We had a great evening spent listening to music, talking, and having a fire in the fire pit at the cabin.

They brought some live emerald shiners with them, so tomorrow I'll take Barb and Sean fishing with my first live bait experience since arriving. From what I've heard, live shiners are what the walleye are biting. We'll see.

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