I can't believe it's already the last day of September. Time sure flies when you're busy and having fun.
In my case, I've been busy painting and staining the cabin, the cabin deck, the game room, the game room deck, the garage and the "fish" garage. It's taken me and Kathleen the better part of the month to complete the job, and we even had help from our friends Rick and Beth. We're close to completing it, and in the next few days the project will come to a happy ending.
As for the fun part of the equation, I've enjoyed time alone with Kathleen, fishing on the lake, and enjoying the incredible beauty of Leech Lake, Sucker Bay and Otter Tail Peninsula.
Today the temperature hit a high of 58 degrees. The winds were calm to 5-8 mph out of the SW. The water temperature was 59 degrees.
I started fishing today at 1:00 p.m. by drifting along the weed line in 8-10 feet of water near the Birches. After a few passes with no fish, I fired up the Mercury Verado and sped to the south end of the bay. In fact, as I passed Second Duck Point I thought I'd go all the way to Duck Point. Once I reached Duck Point I decided to keep going all the way to the tip of the Otter Tail Peninsula to Otter Tail Point.
I trolled Minnow Raps in 12-17 feet of water off Otter Tail Point, but caught no fish. In the past, I've hooked some very big walleyes in this location. I then headed north to Duck Point.
I made a few trolling passes at Duck Point, but again, no fish. Finally I moved my way north again to Second Duck Point. I made about four or five trolling passes along the edge of the point, but the results were the same -- nothing.
At 5:00 p.m. I'd had enough and went to shore. This cold front seems to have put the walleyes in a very negative feeding mood.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
September 29, 2008
The story of the day here on Leech Lake was the wind. We had strong winds today from the NW and north at 15-20 mph and gusts near 30 mph. The lake was covered in white caps and there were 4-5 foot swells.
Since the wind was so strong, I decided to stay on shore today and stain the deck in front of the game room at the cabin. The temperature had dropped to a high of only 56 degrees today, and with the cooler temperatures becoming the norm, I really need to get all of the staining and painting completed in the next few days.
No fishing on Leech Lake today.
Since the wind was so strong, I decided to stay on shore today and stain the deck in front of the game room at the cabin. The temperature had dropped to a high of only 56 degrees today, and with the cooler temperatures becoming the norm, I really need to get all of the staining and painting completed in the next few days.
No fishing on Leech Lake today.
September 28, 2008 on Leech Lake
From 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. I did a couple of "drift" passes near the Birches in 8-10 feet of water. The temperature was 65 degrees, the water temp was 62 degrees, and the wind was out of the SW at 8-12 mph.
I caught a few perch and a couple of pike, but no walleyes.
After dinner I went trolling from 10:00 to 11:15 p.m., and caught one 18" walleye.
The rumor swirling around Otter Tail Peninsula today was that my neighbor's son-in-law caught a 30" walleye in 12 feet of water directly in front of our house. He said he was using a jig and leech. For those of you who do not fish for walleye, a 30" walleye is considered a trophy. Catching a 30" walleye is a goal of mine. Just as I'd like to catch a 50" muskie.
The guy who caught this beautiful fish decided he wanted to have it stuffed and mounted, so he brought it to shore, wrapped it in newspaper, put it on ice and took it as quickly as he could to a local taxidermist.
Later, the taxidermist, who is good friends with our friends the Malays, said the fish in question was not 30" as hyped, but rather 27". Still a good fish, but not a trophy, and only legal in Leech Lake by one inch. I would have definitely put that fish back in the water, but that's not this guy's orientation.
I know there's a trophy fish swimming out there in Leech Lake, and I plan on catching it.
I caught a few perch and a couple of pike, but no walleyes.
After dinner I went trolling from 10:00 to 11:15 p.m., and caught one 18" walleye.
The rumor swirling around Otter Tail Peninsula today was that my neighbor's son-in-law caught a 30" walleye in 12 feet of water directly in front of our house. He said he was using a jig and leech. For those of you who do not fish for walleye, a 30" walleye is considered a trophy. Catching a 30" walleye is a goal of mine. Just as I'd like to catch a 50" muskie.
The guy who caught this beautiful fish decided he wanted to have it stuffed and mounted, so he brought it to shore, wrapped it in newspaper, put it on ice and took it as quickly as he could to a local taxidermist.
Later, the taxidermist, who is good friends with our friends the Malays, said the fish in question was not 30" as hyped, but rather 27". Still a good fish, but not a trophy, and only legal in Leech Lake by one inch. I would have definitely put that fish back in the water, but that's not this guy's orientation.
I know there's a trophy fish swimming out there in Leech Lake, and I plan on catching it.
September 27, 2008 on Leech Lake
Kathleen and I again spent a good portion of the day painting the game room and garage, and it was a good day to work outside.
The temperature was 68 degrees, the sky was mostly sunny, and the wind was 8-12 mph out of the NW.
After we had finished painting for the day, I took the boat out to do a little panfishing up by the Birches at 5:45 p.m. I took advantage of the wind, letting it push my Lund 1800 IFS from the Birches toward our cabin in 8-12 feet of water. I used an 1/8 oz. Northland Neon-tone Gum-Ball tipped with a Gulp Alive! minnow. I caught several jumbo perch, bluegill and a couple of northern pike.
Around 7:15 p.m. I packed up my rods and reels and headed back to shore. Another glorious time fishing on Leech Lake.
The temperature was 68 degrees, the sky was mostly sunny, and the wind was 8-12 mph out of the NW.
After we had finished painting for the day, I took the boat out to do a little panfishing up by the Birches at 5:45 p.m. I took advantage of the wind, letting it push my Lund 1800 IFS from the Birches toward our cabin in 8-12 feet of water. I used an 1/8 oz. Northland Neon-tone Gum-Ball tipped with a Gulp Alive! minnow. I caught several jumbo perch, bluegill and a couple of northern pike.
Around 7:15 p.m. I packed up my rods and reels and headed back to shore. Another glorious time fishing on Leech Lake.
September 26, 2008 on Leech Lake
Kathleen and I are again alone together at the lake. For most of our stay here since May 23, we have had people staying with us. As far as I know, we aren't expecting any more guests the rest of the Fall.
Today was overcast in the morning and early afternoon, and by 4:00 p.m. we started to have thunderstorms. The temperature was 75 degrees. I didn't record the wind speed/direction.
Kathleen and I spent the early part of the day painting the game room and garage, but stopped around 2:30 p.m. when it looked as if were going to rain. Kathleen went for a run this afternoon, but once the thunderstorms hit I went to pick her up in the truck. She was so soaked that her cell phone actually stopped working.
No fishing on Leech Lake today.
Today was overcast in the morning and early afternoon, and by 4:00 p.m. we started to have thunderstorms. The temperature was 75 degrees. I didn't record the wind speed/direction.
Kathleen and I spent the early part of the day painting the game room and garage, but stopped around 2:30 p.m. when it looked as if were going to rain. Kathleen went for a run this afternoon, but once the thunderstorms hit I went to pick her up in the truck. She was so soaked that her cell phone actually stopped working.
No fishing on Leech Lake today.
September 25, 2008
The first thing I did this morning when I woke up, was go over to the cabin, remove the walleye I'd caught the night before from the "holding basket," say my prayer of thanks to the earth, lake and walleye, then kill and clean the fish.
Rick leaves for the airport this afternoon and he really wanted a "Leech Lake fish sandwich" for his last lunch in the Northwoods. The only way that's going to happen is if I clean and cook the walleye for lunch.
After knocking the walleye unconscious with a shift blow to the head with a meat tenderizer, I cleaned and filleted the fish. I brought the fish into the house, rinsed it in cold water, patted the fillets dry and then prepped the fillets for frying.
My preferred method of frying walleye fillets is to coat them first with any number of commercially available batters, dip them in an egg mixture, then coat them with Original Shore Lunch. Once coated, I fry the fillets in hot oil until they are golden brown.
For fish sandwiches, I warm hamburger buns in the microwave oven until they are soft and warm; often melting a slice of American cheese on one side of the bun. Then I add a 1/2 TBSP of tarter sauce, enough walleye fillet to cover the bun, a single piece of lettuce, again just enough to cover the bun, and serve. Ymmmm. There's nothing better.
Rick had two of these tasty fish sandwiches before we left for the Bemidji airport. From Bemidji he flies to Minneapolis, then Denver, then LA, then Sydney and finally to Brisbane. He should be home in Australia in 24-27 hours!
The weather today was beautiful -- sunny skies, 78 degrees and a gentle wind of 5-8 mph from the SW.
See you next year Rick.
No fishing on Leech Lake today.

Rick (in black) and I in front of the newly painted cabin.
Rick leaves for the airport this afternoon and he really wanted a "Leech Lake fish sandwich" for his last lunch in the Northwoods. The only way that's going to happen is if I clean and cook the walleye for lunch.
After knocking the walleye unconscious with a shift blow to the head with a meat tenderizer, I cleaned and filleted the fish. I brought the fish into the house, rinsed it in cold water, patted the fillets dry and then prepped the fillets for frying.
My preferred method of frying walleye fillets is to coat them first with any number of commercially available batters, dip them in an egg mixture, then coat them with Original Shore Lunch. Once coated, I fry the fillets in hot oil until they are golden brown.
For fish sandwiches, I warm hamburger buns in the microwave oven until they are soft and warm; often melting a slice of American cheese on one side of the bun. Then I add a 1/2 TBSP of tarter sauce, enough walleye fillet to cover the bun, a single piece of lettuce, again just enough to cover the bun, and serve. Ymmmm. There's nothing better.
Rick had two of these tasty fish sandwiches before we left for the Bemidji airport. From Bemidji he flies to Minneapolis, then Denver, then LA, then Sydney and finally to Brisbane. He should be home in Australia in 24-27 hours!
The weather today was beautiful -- sunny skies, 78 degrees and a gentle wind of 5-8 mph from the SW.
See you next year Rick.
No fishing on Leech Lake today.
Rick (in black) and I in front of the newly painted cabin.
September 24, 2008 on Leech Lake
Today is Rick's last full day at Leech Lake until sometime next year. Rick would really like to have a "Leech Lake fish sandwich" for lunch tomorrow before he leaves for the aiport, which means we have to catch at least one eater-sized walleye today.
With our mission fully outlined, Rick and I fished from 8:15 to 10:00 p.m. this evening. The high temperature today was 63 degrees, the wind was out of the SW at 5-10 mph and the water temperature was 62.5 degrees.
We trolled Rapala Minnow Raps in 8-12 feet of water from Second Duck Point to the Malay's cabin. Rick caught a 23" walleye and I caught a 16 1/2" walleye which we kept. Not the best day of fishing success on Leech Lake, but we did catch the one eater-sized walleye that we had targeted.
With our mission fully outlined, Rick and I fished from 8:15 to 10:00 p.m. this evening. The high temperature today was 63 degrees, the wind was out of the SW at 5-10 mph and the water temperature was 62.5 degrees.
We trolled Rapala Minnow Raps in 8-12 feet of water from Second Duck Point to the Malay's cabin. Rick caught a 23" walleye and I caught a 16 1/2" walleye which we kept. Not the best day of fishing success on Leech Lake, but we did catch the one eater-sized walleye that we had targeted.
September 23, 2008 on Leech Lake
A view of Second Duck Point from the water.
The temperature today was 70 degrees, the wind was swirling all day long -- 5-15 mph out of the SE then 10 mph out of the SW before settling at 10 mph out of the west. The water temperature was 65 degrees.
Rick and I took a slightly different approach to our fishing today. We started at 4:00 p.m. and did some drifting for panfish, and then around 7:45 p.m., we switched to trolling for walleye.
While drifting, we caught several perch, bluegill and rock bass, but nothing really big. When we started trolling, in 10 feet of water, we were able to catch some walleye.
Trolling Minnow Raps from south of Second Duck Point to Malay's cabin, Rick caught 2 northern pike, a few rock bass and on 20" walleye. I had better luck and landed walleyes of 18", three of 20", a 21 1/2" and a of 23". All fish were released unharmed back into Leech Lake. We returned to shore at 9:00 p.m.
September 22, 2008 on Leech Lake: Autumn Equinox
At 10:44 a.m. CDT it officially became autumn in the Northwoods of Minnesota. The temperature today was a very pleasant 73 degrees, the winds were strong at 10-25 mph out of the SE and I recorded the water temperature to be 65 degrees.
Rick and I took to the boat into the rough water at 1:00 p.m. and started in 10 feet of water near Second Duck Point. We put the drift sock in the water to slow the speed of the boat and to keep it from spinning in the wind. Using 1/8 oz. Northland Neon-tone Gum-Ball jigs tipped with a variety of Gulp and Gulp Alive! baits we drifted for about an hour with no success.
We changed our strategy and decided to troll using Minnow Raps. With this new tactic, we caught numerous perch and we each caught a walleye. Mine walleye was 19" and Rick's measured 20 1/2". Both walleyes and all perch were released.
Later in the evening we went trolling again -- from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. -- but we caught nothing. Not even a perch. This is the first time I can remember when we were completely skunked while trolling Leech Lake.
Rick and I took to the boat into the rough water at 1:00 p.m. and started in 10 feet of water near Second Duck Point. We put the drift sock in the water to slow the speed of the boat and to keep it from spinning in the wind. Using 1/8 oz. Northland Neon-tone Gum-Ball jigs tipped with a variety of Gulp and Gulp Alive! baits we drifted for about an hour with no success.
We changed our strategy and decided to troll using Minnow Raps. With this new tactic, we caught numerous perch and we each caught a walleye. Mine walleye was 19" and Rick's measured 20 1/2". Both walleyes and all perch were released.
Later in the evening we went trolling again -- from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. -- but we caught nothing. Not even a perch. This is the first time I can remember when we were completely skunked while trolling Leech Lake.
September 21, 2008
Rick and I were up and out of the hotel this morning by 8:30 a.m. We drove the truck to a parking garage about 5 blocks from the HHH Metrodome in downtown Minneapolis, parked, then walked a couple of blocks to the tailgate party hosted by my niece Kirby (Kristen) and her husband Trevor.
There was great food at the tailgate party -- chili, brats, chips and dip, veggies, and of course a variety of beers -- and many of Trevor's family was there too. We spent several hours hanging out, eating, visiting and Rick even got to meet several of the Vikings cheerleaders. Finally it was time to go to the game.
We got the tickets from Kathleen's sister and her husband (Kirby's mom and dad) and the seats were great -- about 6 rows up from the field, behind the visitor's bench on the 40-yard line. For Vikings fans it was a great game. The Vikings, who had yet to win a game in this new season, beat the undefeated Carolina Panthers 20-10.
After the game Rick and I went back to the truck and started our drive north to St. Cloud. Neither of us could believe how hot it was in Minneapolis. Under clear blue skies and no wind, the temperature was 85 degrees! I'm sure it was cooler at Leech Lake, but boy was it hot today in Southern Minnesota.
We picked up Kathleen at her Mom's house, stopped in Brainerd for dinner at a Mexican food restaurant, and finally made it back to the cabin around 11:30 p.m. A long, but fun, weekend away from Leech Lake.
No fishing again today.
There was great food at the tailgate party -- chili, brats, chips and dip, veggies, and of course a variety of beers -- and many of Trevor's family was there too. We spent several hours hanging out, eating, visiting and Rick even got to meet several of the Vikings cheerleaders. Finally it was time to go to the game.
We got the tickets from Kathleen's sister and her husband (Kirby's mom and dad) and the seats were great -- about 6 rows up from the field, behind the visitor's bench on the 40-yard line. For Vikings fans it was a great game. The Vikings, who had yet to win a game in this new season, beat the undefeated Carolina Panthers 20-10.
After the game Rick and I went back to the truck and started our drive north to St. Cloud. Neither of us could believe how hot it was in Minneapolis. Under clear blue skies and no wind, the temperature was 85 degrees! I'm sure it was cooler at Leech Lake, but boy was it hot today in Southern Minnesota.
We picked up Kathleen at her Mom's house, stopped in Brainerd for dinner at a Mexican food restaurant, and finally made it back to the cabin around 11:30 p.m. A long, but fun, weekend away from Leech Lake.
No fishing again today.
September 20, 2008
For Rick's birthday, Kathleen and I got him tickets to see the Minnesota Vikings play at the Metrodome in Minneapolis. Although both Rick and I grew up in Michigan, Rick for some reason has always been a Vikings fan, where I, like most people in Michigan, am a Detroit Lions fan.
The temperature today was 72 degrees and the wind was out of the NW at 5-12 mph, with partly sunny skies.
Kathleen, Rick and I left the house today around 2:00 p.m. The plan was that we would drop off Kathleen at her Mom's house in St. Cloud, then Rick and I would continue on to Minneapolis where we would stay the night in a hotel, see the game on Sunday, then drive back to St. Cloud after the game to pick up Kathleen, and then it would be on to Leech Lake.
On the way to St. Cloud we had to pass through Brainerd on Hwy. 371. In Brainerd, there are several stop lights along the highway which unfortunately slows traffic. At one of these stop lights I caught a glimpse of something moving along the windshield wipers, and when I looked carefully I saw it was a mouse! The little rodent must have climbed up on the engine at the lake, and now had unwittingly hitched a ride with us. Kathleen was not happy to see our little furry friend, to say the least. Somewhere along the way from Brainerd to St. Cloud the mouse must have fallen off, because by the time we arrived at Kathleen's Mom's house, neither Rick nor I could find it.
The entire group of Coyle siblings had gathered at Kathleen's Mom's house for a surprise dinner with their mother. After a brief visit with Kathleen's brothers and sisters, Rick and I were on our way to Minneapolis.
We had a nice dinner, watched some college football on the big screen TV in the room, then went to bed early. We planned to get up early on Sunday morning so we could attend a tailgate party a few blocks from the stadium.
No fishing today.

Me and Rick with the Vikings cheerleaders during the tailgate party.
The temperature today was 72 degrees and the wind was out of the NW at 5-12 mph, with partly sunny skies.
Kathleen, Rick and I left the house today around 2:00 p.m. The plan was that we would drop off Kathleen at her Mom's house in St. Cloud, then Rick and I would continue on to Minneapolis where we would stay the night in a hotel, see the game on Sunday, then drive back to St. Cloud after the game to pick up Kathleen, and then it would be on to Leech Lake.
On the way to St. Cloud we had to pass through Brainerd on Hwy. 371. In Brainerd, there are several stop lights along the highway which unfortunately slows traffic. At one of these stop lights I caught a glimpse of something moving along the windshield wipers, and when I looked carefully I saw it was a mouse! The little rodent must have climbed up on the engine at the lake, and now had unwittingly hitched a ride with us. Kathleen was not happy to see our little furry friend, to say the least. Somewhere along the way from Brainerd to St. Cloud the mouse must have fallen off, because by the time we arrived at Kathleen's Mom's house, neither Rick nor I could find it.
The entire group of Coyle siblings had gathered at Kathleen's Mom's house for a surprise dinner with their mother. After a brief visit with Kathleen's brothers and sisters, Rick and I were on our way to Minneapolis.
We had a nice dinner, watched some college football on the big screen TV in the room, then went to bed early. We planned to get up early on Sunday morning so we could attend a tailgate party a few blocks from the stadium.
No fishing today.

Me and Rick with the Vikings cheerleaders during the tailgate party.
September 19, 2008 on Leech Lake
Rick lives in Australia, so we decided to fly the Australian flag during his visits to Leech Lake. Notice the rainbow to the right of the flags.
Today was unusually warm with a temperature of 80 degrees. The winds were calm to 5 mph out of the SE, with mostly cloudy skies. Today is Rick's birthday, so we'll be grilling steaks for dinner tonight.
We continued to paint the cabin for most of the day -- and we're getting close to completing it -- but Rick and I did manage to get close to 2 hours of fishing in from 2:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Using small Northland Neon-tone Gum-Ball jigs tipped with Gulp Alive minnows and leeches, Rick and I fished "the Birches." Rick caught a rock bass and I caught a very nice largemouth bass. Both fish were immediately released. No walleyes, perch or crappie today.
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