We didn't make it out onto Leech Lake to do any fishing today, but we did make some headway on re-roofing the cabin.
The wind was too strong today, roughly 20-25 mph out of the NNW, to get out onto the lake, so Rick and I spent the day working on the roof. We replaced some rotted wood long the edge of the roof with new boards that we had to have specially milled at Johnson Lumber. We then put up the fascia board and metal edging.
Even though the wind was strong today, the temperature was a very nice 78 degrees, making it a fine day to work on the roof. Of course by the end of a long day on the roof, we were tired, dirty and in need of a shower.
After we cleaned up the work site, I cleaned the walleye Rick caught last night and we had it for dinner. We might not have made it out onto Leech Lake today, but we did enjoy it's bounty.

Rick standing on the dumpster while attaching a new fascia board

A new first board on the roof's edge, and a new fascia board