The rain moving toward Second Duck Point at 8:30 p.m.
At 5:28 a.m. this morning, summer arrived at Leech Lake. I was not up to greet the new season, but when I did awake around 8:00 a.m., the sky was grey, the temperature was around 64 degrees and the wind was light at 5-8 mph from the south.
I did my CA "real work" from 9:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. before taking a break to go into town with Rick to get wave two of building supplies for the cabin re-roofing project.
After a dinner of grilled porterhouse steaks, Rick and I went fishing. The hour prior to us getting on the water it was raining quite hard, but by 9:00 p.m. the rain let up and the winds, which had been as strong as 12-15 mph from WSW, died down to around 5 mph from the west. A nice, but wet, night to go fishing.
It rained as we walked from the house to the boat lift, but by the time we got on the water the rain had stopped and we didn't see any more precipitation the rest of the night.
We trolled in 8-12 feet of water using Minnow Raps at roughly 2.20 mph. The water temperature was right around 69.3 degrees, the moon was on four days from being full.
Rick caught four walleyes -- 24", 20 1/2", 17 1/2" (which was legally a keeper, but we put it in the lake anyway) and one around 12". I caught only one walleye, but it was 24".
There were only a couple of other boats on Sucker Bay tonight, but they took off about a half an hour after sunset, so we had the bay to ourselves. It was another relaxing, and successful, night on the water.