By 11:00 a.m., the wind had shifted to a more common 8-10 mph out of the SW. The temperature increased to the mid-50s and the birds were serenading us with their variety of songs and tunes. We've placed oranges, which we cut in half, on the railing of our back porch to attract the orioles. Today we've had probably a half dozen visit us for a taste of that sweet citrus.
Kathleen and I ate lunch on our back porch and waited to hear from Kathleen's sister-in-law, Sandy, about Kathleen's mom's doctor's appointment. If Marge needs additional therapy, Kathleen would need to leave Leech Lake later this afternoon and make the drive down to St. Cloud. I'm hoping that Marge is fine for many reasons, not the least of which is Kathleen would be able to stay here at the lake if all goes well.
Update: At 1:25 p.m. Kathleen received a text message from Sandy saying all is well with Marge and there is no need for Kathleen to leave for St. Cloud; at least not for the next several days. To celebrate, Kathleen and I went on bike ride.
We rode our Schwinns down W. Shores Rd. to 26th, then down Ottertail Point Rd. all the way to the end. Along the way we stopped at the development at Duck Point Woods and rode out on the boardwalk to the boats slips. We skipped stones along the shore and in doing so, startled a female mallard duck who took off from her nest. I looked to see where she had flown from and sure enough, found her nest, in which must have been 10 or more eggs (pictured here).
Mallard eggs near Duck Point, Sucker Bay, Leech Lake
On our way back from the boardwalk at Duck Point Woods, Kathleen spotted an eagle aerie in a tall tree. In it was a bald eagle. Obviously we couldn't see inside the very large nest, but we assumed that like the mallard, the bald eagle was guarding her eggs.
As we rode toward home we also saw a painted turtle crossing the road, also probably on her way to laying her eggs, several goldfinch, pelicans and other interesting birds.
When we got home we were hungry so we had some lunch. I decided a rest in the hammock was in order and laid in the warm afternoon sun.
At 6:25 p.m. Kathleen went for a run. The temperature was still near 70 degrees, the wind was light out of the ESE at 5-8 mph. The western sky has a yellowish hue as the sun drops toward the horizon.
I will most likely not go fishing tonight because I want to be with Kathleen since she has limited time here at Leech Lake. We've talked about having a fire in the fire pit over at the cabin after dinner.
After dinner I walked next door to the cabin and got a fire going in the fire pit. A short time later Kathleen came over with all the ingredients for s'mores. We enjoyed the fire, listened to the loons calling on the lake, played some ping pong in the game room, ate s'mores and then put out the fire and came home.
No fishing on Leech Lake today, but a wonderful day just the same.