All morning and into early afternoon I spent doing consulting work. I took a break just after 1:00 p.m. when Henry came by to fix the Anderson Windows in our living room. Over the years the latches to lock the windows had become worn and weren't working properly and the cranks that open and close the window were also worn out. Henry had come by in August when I was here and determined what the problem was and ordered the necessary parts. The problem was I was already back in California when the parts came in. Today was the first day Henry had free on his calendar to come out and repair the windows.
Later today, just before sunset, I took a walk in our woods.

One of the many trails in our woods on Ottertail Peninsula
After dinner I got a fire going, listened to music and read the paper. I stayed up rather late before finally calling it a night. Another day of no fishing on Leech Lake.