The sunset as viewed from the dock at the cabin. Sucker Bay, Leech Lake.
I can't believe today is the last day of July. The summer is flying by way too fast.
Today was another beautiful day at Leech Lake. The temperature at midday was right around 80 degrees, the sky was clear and blue and the wind was light at 5-8 mph out of the SW, or calm altogether.
Joe slept in late, but I started in on some chores first thing this morning. I moved several wheelbarrow loads of rocks from the pile at the cabin to along the harbor walls. I could probably move another dozen loads and still have more to do.
When Joe did arise he and I set out to start painting the out buildings at the house. We started with the ATV garage. We spent nearly 5 hours painting the entire building, although the green trim still needs to be applied. I think we'll wait until we paint the bunkhouse too, and then apply the trim paint to both buildings.
We ate a light dinner, watched the sunset, then decided to go to bed early. Both Joe and I are tired from painting for most of the day. And tomorrow, we have more another building to paint.
Also tomorrow Tim and Sandy Coyle (Kathleen's brother) and their two sons (Connor and Jackson) are coming up to the lake for a visit. They'll be here through Friday. Their presence should be a great excuse to do less around the properties and do more fishing!
Good night from Leech Lake.