Lately an Acura car commercial has been running quite a bit on TV where the voice over talks about putting the car through the rigors of winter in Baudette, Minnesota. At one point in the commercial the camera zooms in on a thermometer and the temperature reading is 25 degrees below zero; as if that's somehow unusual for Northern Minnesota. As this photo, which was taken in February on the back porch of our house on Leech Lake, attests, it gets that cold quite often. Sure it's cold, but it never stopped me or my neighbors from hitting the ice for a little hard-water angling.

In the mid-1970s I got very into music which led me to study and research stereo equipment; stereo being the state of the art at the time. I spent many hours in stereo stores in the Lansing/East Lansing area listening to systems from Pioneer, Technics, Lux, Marantz, Sansui and many others. Inevitably, whenever I was testing out a receiver, power amp, turntable or loud speakers, the saleman reached for one album to play, and only one album, Dark Side Of The Moon, by Pink Floyd.
I heard this album so many times in stereo stores that by the time I actually bought it I knew every note, every lyric, every noise on this incredible album. To say it's a classic is an understatement. The album spent 741 weeks in the Billboard Top 200 chart; that's more than 14 years! I've attached a clip here that starts with Speak To Me that opens side one with that pulsating "heart beat" before it segues into Breathe and On The Run. Enjoy!