The sunset over Sucker Bay, Leech Lake; taken from the boat
Today was the warmest it's been since my arrival in Minnesota back on May 19; the temperature hit 82 degrees. The wind was calm, with a slight breeze now and then from the south. The sky was hazy -- there were high clouds, but at the same time the sun was shining enough to where there were shadows.
At 10:30 a.m. my new refrigerator was delivered. I spent the morning cleaning it out with baking soda, per Kathleen's instructions, and then moving the food from the cabin back to the house. I still have a few more items to transfer, but I'll get to those tomorrow.After lunch I stained the door frame on the game room side of the new door that Rick installed during his recent visit. I was going to paint it white, but I found some white cedar stain that looks much better than the white paint in my estimation.
Once the door frame was stained I moved outside to paint the stairs on the side of the cabin. I had picked up some deck stain during my last trip into Bemidji, and completed that chore in about an hour or so. At this point I was dripping sweat and being eaten alive by hummingbird-sized Minnesota mosquitoes, so I decided to cool off and escape the mosquitoes with one activity -- a fast ride on the ATV.
During my ride I drove by Jerry Schiebe's place and came across quite an operation. Jerry had received a DNR permit to dredge his harbor, so there was a large front-loading shovel and dump truck removing and dumping the muck from the harbor. I stopped in to observe the work and saw Norm Hansen who was there doing the same thing. The three of us had a nice chat and then I left to continue on my ATV ride.
No sooner had I pulled out from Jerry's than I came across Noel Hancock who was driving his truck down to Schiebe's to check out the action. Heck, Jerry should have sold tickets with as many people that there were stopping by. Noel and I talked a while and I think he's going to stop by for coffee on Wednesday or Thursday.
At last I finished my ATV ride and went into the house to clean up and make some dinner. The sky is dark and it looks like it could rain, but the wind is calm and it's still warm out, so maybe later this evening I'll go trolling for walleye. I haven't been out fishing today and I have the urge to get out onto Leech Lake. I think I'll call John Newman to see if he'd like to join me on the lake.
It is 8:45 p.m. and John and I will be going out trolling in about 15 minutes. The wind is still calm, the temperature is a warm 70 degrees and the sky, while filled with clouds, does not look threatening, as if it were going to rain. It should be a beautiful sunset over Leech Lake this evening. I'll provide a full fish report when I get in later tonight.
John and I made several passes through The Alley pulling Minnow Raps in 8-11 feet of 67 degree water, but the only fish hooked were a small perch by John and a 12" walleye that I caught. Despite it being a beautiful night on the water, the walleye on this part of Sucker Bay were not biting. I'll try again tomorrow.
As was the case last night, the loons were in full voice tonight as we put the boat on the lift and came ashore. It was as if they were saying, "good night, see you again tomorrow."
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