A beautiful sunny summer's day on Sucker Bay, Leech Lake
Today was the best day weather-wise we've had in a week or more. The temperature at midday was 74 degrees, the sky was sunny, the wind was light at 5 mph out of the SE and the water temperature was 65 degrees.
At approximately 1:00 p.m., Ashley, Liz and I went fishing. We were using jigs tipped with leeches, and fished in numerous spots I know on Sucker Bay -- ranging from 8-14 feet of water. Unfortunately, we only caught a couple of perch.
At 4:00 p.m. we came ashore. Although we didn't catch many fish, we did have an enjoyable time together on the lake.
Once we were home, Liz went for a run, I read the Sunday paper, and for some reason, Ashley decided she wanted to clean the kitchen. She swept and mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned the counter tops and even arranged the fruit in the fruit bowl. I really appreciated her efforts, no matter how unnecessary I thought they were.
We made a wonderful shrimp pasta dish for dinner and afterward Ashley and I sat on the dock and watched the sun set into the western sky.
I think we're going to watch a movie tonight rather than go trolling. And if that's what the girls want to do, that's what we'll do. Tomorrow night, however, I will encourage them to go trolling with me for walleye on Leech Lake.
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