The forecast called for thunderstorms throughout the day, so the plan was that I'd go into Cass Lake sometime today to pick up some groceries and other supplies since it was unlikely that we'd be able to go fishing; the waves were simply too big and the water too rough.
I left for Cass Lake at 1:30 p.m. and made several stops -- groceries, hardware, post office, and bait. I got back to the lake around 3:30 p.m., and despite the strong breeze, Joe and I decided to go fishing.
Joe helped hold the boat in place as I lowered the boat lift since the strong 15-20 mph SSW wind created a lot of chop in the water. With the boat in the water safely, I motored us out to Second Duck Point in 11 feet of water, deployed the drift sock, put a fresh, lively fathead minnow on my jig and started fishing for perch and walleye.

The Drift Control drift sock in the waters off Second Duck Point, Sucker Bay, Leech Lake
We caught and released several small- to medium-sized perch, and Joe hooked into something that broke his line.
We made several passes from Second Duck Point to in front of the Malays, but never caught anything big enough to keep. At 5:45 p.m. we got the boat back on the boat lift, and went back to the house.
I brined a chicken for tomorrow night's dinner, then Joe and I went out onto the dock to watch the sunset. While the sunset itself wasn't all that spectacular, the cloud formations made an interesting sky prior to the sun dropping below the horizon.

The sun behind clouds over Sucker Bay, Leech Lake
We didn't go trolling tonight because the wind was still fairly strong at 12-15 mph out of the SSW and I didn't feel like battling the heavy chop to troll for walleye. Especially since the past few times we've been out trolling we haven't hooked anything.
Good night from Leech Lake.
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