Friday, May 01, 2009

October 31, 2008 on Leech Lake -- Halloween

Tom came over to the house this afternoon just before 3:00 p.m. and we took his small aluminum boat onto Leech Lake for some late-season fishing.

Tom had picked up some live fathead minnows so we decided to drift in the boat, using jigs tipped with minnows, to fish for perch and walleye. We didn't catch a ton of fish, but we had fun. Tom caught one medium-sized perch and I caught 4 perch roughly the same size.

We also trolled for a while, but that technique yielded no fish. By 5:45 p.m. we were on shore.

The temperature today was 45 degrees, the wind was 5-10 mph out of the NNW, and I no longer have a way to measure the temperature of the water. I'm guessing it is in the mid-40s.

Our Leech Lake house is 23 miles from the nearest town (Cass Lake, pop. 938) so we didn't expect anyone to stop for "tricks or treats" tonight; and no one did.

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